Friday, March 22, 2013

healthy? how? why? what? -Lets talk about Carbohydrate how much you should take?


As we grown up, we tend to follow whatever cuisine or lifestyle that we had since we are kids.
However , as times goes by, even how we maintain our health, it should be improve in a different way.

When we are talking about health, what is this all about?
Many peoples has neglect about this part in our daily routine in life
It do complies
Emotion handling

First of all, what do we know about diet?
Let's start talk about carbohydrate , our main "fuel"
well, we just knew we cant live without carbohydrate , if we did we will feel weak
But the question is how much do we need?
The truth it is depends on what activities you planning to have for that particular day

Have you ever think of why is that after a meal, I feel sleepy and tired rather being feel more energize?

After the food digested or we " refuel" ourselves it should be like a car with fuel and it can burn and give the full power we need.

In Asian Country, most of us can't live without Rice
However, people did not know that the more rice that you consume, the faster this "fuel" is burning inside your body! The next thing is , you will feel you get hungry fast!
Well my dear friends, sure it is ! Cause the fuel is burning fast so it become " empty " fast as well, so the next thing you know is that you are looking for Food to refuel yourself!

Ok, lets think about it. This is not any Rocket Science.
Some people may say, hey I eat rice like for a decade!
Well , let us just flash back a little bit and a little bit more back to the time when we all are younger or as a kid.
What was the society back there, what they are doing for living? Is that office jobs? Or it is hard work that need strength?
Think about it, with those hard works , human need immediate fuel that could give them the strength to work.
 Tell me how you actually travel to school! You may walk , you may cycle and you have a bunch of sports activities to play. Which is the activities that all required strength!

Well let's come back now to our current society and lifestyle.
What do you do as your work? Well most of us work in the office!
So how much strength do you need?
Many people thought they needed that same rice  or more amount to give them strength, end up they feel so sleepy after the lunch.That excessive of carbohydrate that was not use, subsequently store in your body and also become YOUR FAT and what is bad it may convert to higher sugar level that could cause diabetes !!!
After that , you work so hard at Gym or do any exercise just to get rids of those Carbohydrate you did not use??
Tell me about it and think about it Today!
What you really required is the minerals and the vitamins that can help you think better!
And only little potion of the carbohydrate that fuel yourself up and plenty of fibre that help your digestion! Beside the protein, there is vitamin and minerals that your body needed to build up your immune system.

So out of all this, it is best to reduce rice taking or replace it with any other carbohydrate that had more fibre in it is contain.!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_454/image.jpg
picture taken from and credit to
The fibre in complex carbohydrate, on the other hand, slows the body’s absorption of energy, ensuring that the brain gets a slow and steady supply of fuel.
Food: Whole grains (brown rice, oats, breads, pasta, crackers, cereals).