Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chicken Soup for cooking usage

Cooking is just simply loving when there is a way for you to prepare your ingredient before or simply just cook and kept in the fridge and it is ready and available to use it. Well , boiling Chicken Soup is simply the simplest pre prepare ingredient , if you add more ingredient in, it is simply become the Chicken Stock.

At this moment, Chicken Soup has make my cooking more convenience and yet tasty.

How to make chicken soup?
Buy a chicken and put in? Some people may say , oh I cant finish the chicken .
Well, there are chicken carcass where people usually discard it and you can just simply use it to boil your chicken soup. It is as tasty as you boil a chicken and yet you will not worry about not able to finish your Chicken :)

Chicken Carcass is available in supermarket. Just go and grab it. It can be as cheap as 5 bucks.

How to cook?

  1. Clean the inner organ that stick with the chicken carcass
  2. wash the chicken carcass
  3. Boil the water . The ratio should be double of your chicken carcass
  4. Add in the chicken carcass and let it boiled with maximum heat for 2 minutes.
  5. Bring down to lower heat.
  6. Boiled until the meat and bone is soft enough for you to tear with spoon
  7. Off the heat and add a little salt for the seasoning.
  8. tear the bone and meat and stir to mix
  9. Filter off the bone and meat.
  10. Keep for one week

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