Saturday, June 23, 2012

Little Flower rules

Little Flower rules

    1.           I love myself
    2.           I love my life
    3.         I love everyone who appear to my life regardless who you are
    4.           I appreciate everything
    5.           I am thankful to everyone
    6.           I am who I am
    7.           Nobody can set the limits but myself
    8.           I appreciate the challenge appeared to me that make the tough of myself
    9.           Life is about balance
    10.        Never stop access to knowledge
    11.        Music is the soul of my life
    12.        Creativity is the greatness that color my life
    13.        Every single live is precious and gem in my life
    14.        I love unconditionally and it continues wherever, whenever I am.
    15.        Every Life lesson means to growth me.
    16.        Life is beautiful and I Love it. 
    17.        I greet and I say thank you.
    18.        Whether You like it or not , Yes , I am still smiling.
    19.        Keep trying. 
    20.        I keep my faith to my life.
    21.        I like all kind of weathers, because it means the earth still alive.
    22.        I am open to all kind of opinions because it adds on my understanding.
      I choose my way to love and to precious each second of my life.

      Thank you for everyone who support me , thank you for people who does not support me. You all exist to make a balance to my life and yes I love that you appear.

      Thank you.

      The rules goes on add on each day from my learning.


      Little Flower

      Friday, June 1, 2012

      My Fresh Energize Drinks ~ Lemongrass, basil , lime , honey

      I love to work in my little flower garden . ^_^ That bring me my own herbs , fruit now.
      Working hard on that , I need an refresh energize drinks.
      Here it comes I got it from my Little Flower Love Garden.
      My little lemon grass , Limau Kasturi , sweet Basil.

      It is a hot day after working on it. I add it all to my cold drinks.
      1. Rinse everything with running water.
      2. Cut off the lemon Grass Roots , 
      3. cut the Limau Kasturi into 2 pieces , and 
      4. pluck the basil leaves.
      5. Dissolve honey in the room temperature water or warm water.
      6. Everything add in your plain water 
      7. Add in ice

        Wah Lah, there goes my drink. ^_^

      Benefits value:
      • Basil – antiseptic, antibacterial, fungicidal, digestive aid, beta carotene, vitamin C, folate, B1,B2, B3, B5, B6,vitamin E, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, omega 3

        Little Flower Sharing ^_^ :For your reading pleasure :  

      • Honey -
        1. Honey is nature's energy booster

        2. Honey is a great immunity system builder

        3. Honey is a natural remedy for many ailments 

                Little Flower Sharing ^_^ :For your reading pleasure :

      • Limau Kasturi ( Calamondin) -
      1. Strengthens the immune system.
      2. Relieves itching from insect bites.
      3. It has anti-inflammatory properties.
      4. It can help with the relief of cough.
      5. It helps to clear stubborn acne.
      6. It can be taken for the relief of constipation.

        Little Flower Sharing ^_^ :For your reading pleasure : &
      • Lemongrass
        1. It contains an antibacterial and antifungal properties
        2. It helps to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and the digestive tract.
        3. Helps boost the immune system
        4. Helps reduce uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats
        5. It helps alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis.
        6. Helps improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples
        7. It helps tone the muscle and tissues.
        8. Helps in menstrual troubles
        9. Helps reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation
        10. Helps reduce cellulite
        11. Act as sedative for the central nervous system.
        12. May help prevent color cancer.
        13. Helps in reducing fevers
        14. Help in flatulence and colic
        15. Relieves arthritic pain and rheumatism
          Little Flower Sharing ^_^ :For your reading pleasure : &

       Tips : 
      • Don't mix honey with hot water, as any heating will reduce the aroma, flavour, and nutrition value of honey.
      • How much ingredient to add in , it is depends on You ^_^, whether you like a strong or mild favor. Add in as much as per your taste bub.

      Sunday, May 20, 2012

      My Simple Con gee aka Porridge

      I love eating Porridge. As I love eating the smooth Porridge. Always wonder how to make it.
      I search around and I found the working method and faster way to cook my con gee.

      How to make a smooth white con gee.
      1. Soaks the rice minimum half an hour before you boil it, drop a little oil to the rice so it does not stick together.
      2. Boiled the water, usually the water is triple than the rice ratio, if you would like a watery con gee , you can add more , or the other way around
      3. add in your rice and let it cook until boiled, turn down the heat to the lowest heat.
      4. boiled for 20 minutes and the rice will be seen as started to break
      5. Start to stir continuously for 10 minutes
      6. You will find the con gee texture become smooth and thick as all the rice has break equally
      7. If you found it is not smooth enough, cook for 10 minutes and stir for another 10 minutes.
      8. At last you will get your white smooth con gee. You can keep it , or you can later add in any other ingredient and boil for 5 minutes.
      • Half an hour is just the minimum time to soak the rice, the longer time you soaks , the rice easily cooked and break
      • Oil make the con gee become smoother
      • Always watch out if the con gee is stick at the bottom of your pot, make sure you stir it and keep it to become overcook and burn

      My recipe of today

      Chicken Soup con gee cook with Scallop and Chinese Cabbage

      I have boiled my chicken carcass soup and kept in the fridge.

      1. Scallop should be soak for overnight to get it become soft as it is dried scallop.
      2.  Heat up the chicken soup , if the chicken soup is not enough just add on water
      3. Add in Scallop to boil for 10 minutes.
      4. Bring the soup to boiled, add in the soaks rice.
      5. Cook as per above con gee recipe
      6. Serve it with Sesame oil/ parsley / ginger/ roasted Seaweed/ pepper , it is all depend on individual favor.

      Chicken Soup for cooking usage

      Cooking is just simply loving when there is a way for you to prepare your ingredient before or simply just cook and kept in the fridge and it is ready and available to use it. Well , boiling Chicken Soup is simply the simplest pre prepare ingredient , if you add more ingredient in, it is simply become the Chicken Stock.

      At this moment, Chicken Soup has make my cooking more convenience and yet tasty.

      How to make chicken soup?
      Buy a chicken and put in? Some people may say , oh I cant finish the chicken .
      Well, there are chicken carcass where people usually discard it and you can just simply use it to boil your chicken soup. It is as tasty as you boil a chicken and yet you will not worry about not able to finish your Chicken :)

      Chicken Carcass is available in supermarket. Just go and grab it. It can be as cheap as 5 bucks.

      How to cook?

      1. Clean the inner organ that stick with the chicken carcass
      2. wash the chicken carcass
      3. Boil the water . The ratio should be double of your chicken carcass
      4. Add in the chicken carcass and let it boiled with maximum heat for 2 minutes.
      5. Bring down to lower heat.
      6. Boiled until the meat and bone is soft enough for you to tear with spoon
      7. Off the heat and add a little salt for the seasoning.
      8. tear the bone and meat and stir to mix
      9. Filter off the bone and meat.
      10. Keep for one week

      Tuesday, May 15, 2012

      Love Had Raised Me up

      In life, everyone have their own path.
      However, the path where you grow is may not be your desired choice.
      As times goes by, people remember how they are being raised, and static at the comfort zone.
      As that is the only thing they knew.

      Little Flower grow path, has been raised by love.
      For being long enough that Little Flower has finally awakening.

      As it is now awakening Little Flower, she choose her path to stay grounded and continue grow.
      Now she felt herself belong to the nature.
      She hear all the nature concert , she hear the tree whispering.
      Life is never been calm as this and life is not the same way again.
      She found her peaceful mind. She felt the earth is alive and she feel that she is being with the presence.

      Thank you Love and Little Flower continue to love and spread the love.

      Monday, May 7, 2012

      My Endless and Unconditional Love

      I finally found the love, the unconditional love that flows within me.
      I continue to love as long as I am breathing.

      my love is everywhere and every second
      Life is so beautiful that I could continue to love

      And this is the little flower love

      Sunday, April 22, 2012

      The Love of Food - How I choose my ingredients

      How do I choose my ingredients?

      This question is link to another question : How do you cook that?

      I bought my whole week food and store in the fridge during weekend.

      I carefully make sure that the food I bought especially vegetable is not the same as last week if possible.

      Everyday I will think of what is the combination of Carbohydrate , Protein , Vegetables and make it difference for whole week menu.

      Another suggestion , Plan your whole week menu and do the research for the recipe, and make your shopping list before you shop. Remember to note for some extra menu , in case the ingredient is not available for you to shop.

      WHY? This is to ensure myself and my love ones have balance meal , so that we consume everything to boost our immune system.

      My experience, I was not a born to be chef , so I always look for the recipe so that I can follow the recipe to cook.

      The PRO  , I will know how to cook a dish in a proper manner.
      The CONs, I am restricted to the recipe .I might gone crazy looking for the ingredients that I may just use like once a month?

      Now, I will base on the available ingredients and look for similar recipe and make some modification.
      Waa Lah.. I got my own creation of recipe. I happily playing with my herbs and all the other flavors , like a witch putting a spell and waa lah..there goes my creation. ^_^

      The Key to do the modification , is to understand your ingredient, the texture , the flavor and the cooked time for that ingredient.

      Well we all not a born to be CHEF. You can always start with the basic, salad .
      You can choose whatever ingredient you like , add in , and choose your dressing ( simple as lemon juice , salt and pepper, olive oil)

      Try now, you can make your own lunch.

      Thursday, April 19, 2012

      The love of Food- The reasons

      I thank you for all the ingredients , herbs and the food resource which is accessible by me to prepare a great meal.

      Many had spoke to me about the lunch box I brought to office.They often ask me the same question. I share and provide my answer here.

      The reason I cook is for LOVE . The love for MYSELF , MY LOVE ONE and for the love of health.

      With home cook, we are able to define what we should eat for the whole week and to ensure the quality of the ingredient and cooking.

      Part of health is related to what we consume on daily basis.

      Everyday we start our day with fresh lemon juice mix with water. This is to reduce the acid PH in our body, direct impact on our energy. When the Acid PH of the body is high it will cause tiredness and it is a good base for virus or bacteria to develop. Hence adjusting the PH of the body is the most important part.

      How good is to have home cook?

      1st it is benefit to myself and my love ones as we are the one that consuming it, what else is better than this?

      2nd Balance Diet - We able to plan the whole week meal with different type of carbohydrate , protein , mineral , vitamins.

      3rd Save money - Nowadays , the food that you consume is almost double of the ingredients price . I can have fine dining with the minimum as the ingredient price that excluded the business profit , the service charge and also the government tax.

      Tuesday, April 17, 2012

      The Love of Little Flower

      This is a sharing of the love of little flower.

      Little Flower gratitude for all the gift that she have in her life.

      Thank you to all the people that give her love.

      Thank you for the ever lasting true love that she get.

      Thank you for all the resource that she is given access to.

      Thank you for all the laughter she get.

      Thank you for all the lesson that she get.

      Thank you for the unlimited knowledge that she get.

      Thank you for the animal love that she get.

      Little flower Love her life. I feel abundance, love , passion.

      Sharing is caring, I would like to share the knowledge that I get and help as much as possible.